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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Tarsier Googles

The Tarsier Goggles Project aims to let a user experience the world through the eyes of a tarsier. The experience focuses on different vision adaptions and the everyday life of these unique animals.

Setup for development


You will need a VR-ready Windows PC, with a copy of Unity 2018.2.12. It is also essential to have an HTC Vive with all hardware installed and the software (including SteamVR) configured and updated.

Download instructions

Fork or clone the project using git to begin development!

Setup for play


You will need a VR-ready Windows 10 PC, with an HTC Vive with all its hardware installed and all the software (including SteamVR) configured and updated.

Download instructions

  1. Download the to anywhere on your computer.
  2. Extract the Tarsier VR Build folder from the zip file, and enter that directory.
  3. Ensure that the SteamVR compositor is running (that SteamVR has started up, sensed the hardware, and is currently in the SteamVR Home app)
  4. Run the Tarsier-Goggles executable file.

If the Tarsier-Goggles executable file and the Tarsier-Goggles_Data folder are in different directories, the app may not run.


See here.

Overview of Developement Implementation


The toggled vision is created with components on the SteamVR Camera Eye Game object.

External Assets

The project relies on the Colorblind asset, the SteamVR asset and numerous assets from VRTK. Note that, due to the use of VRTK, SteamVR 1.2.3 is the latest version that can be used.

Post Processing

We use the Post Processing Component on the Camera Eye object for the depth of field and vingette (limited vision) effects

Tech Stack

  • Unity3D
  • Maya